Gate Valves is another member of shut off/on valve family. What makes this unique is its disc movement is linear. The disc is either gate or wedge-shaped, which has an effective shut-off and on mechanism. Gate valve is primarily suited for isolation. While it is possible to use it as a throttling valve, this is not advisable as the disc may get damaged by media vibration. The surge of the media can damage the disc when gate valves are used half-closed in a throttling application. Advantages

  • No media flow resistance since the gate does not obstruct the flow when fully opened.
  • can be used in bi-directional flows.
  • Simple design.
  • Suitable for pipes with large diameters.


Gate valves are great shut off/on valves for any application. They are suitable for wastewater applications and neutral liquids. Gases that range between -200C and 700C with a maximum 16 bar pressure can use gate valves. Knife gate valves are used for slurries and powder media.

API 602 Forged Steel Gate Valve

API 602 Forged Steel PSB Gate Valve

API 600 Cast Steel Gate Valve


Cast Steel PSB Gate Valve