Globe Valves looks like a globe with a plug-type disc. It is part of the linear motion valve family. Aside from being a great turn off/on valve, globe valve also has great throttling capabilities.

Similar to gate valve, globe valve disc moves up unobstructed to allow the flow of media. This is a great valve alternative for applications that do not require high-pressure drops.


  • better shutting mechanism than gate valve.
  • Wear & tear is not an issue even for frequent use.
  • Easy to repair as disassembly is easy.

Globe valves perform well when the major concern is leakage. High point vents and low point drains use globe valves. Also, globe valves work when the pressure drop is not a concern.  Regulated flow applications such as cooling water systems use globe valves.

Other applications for globe valves include feed water systems, chemical feed systems, extraction drain systems and the likes.

Forged Steel Globe Valve

Forged Steel PSB Globe Valve

Cast Steel Globe Valve

Cast Steel PSB Globe Valve